Учителя и ученики в школах США

Автор wasser, Дек. 14, 2021, 10:49 pm


Начну с поста о низкой зарплате учителей и объяснением cons в этой работе. Хотя это про школы в Аризоне, которые увы, не блеющут в США, но в общем верно для большинства школ в стране.

ЦитатаwHy aRe tEaChErS qUiTtInG?
When I worked at San Tan Heights, I started off with a salary of $33k. I remember going into my classroom and observing how bare everything was and feeling the initial excitement of being able to decorate it and call it mine.
That excitement soured when I asked if I could get a stapler from the front office to hang some posters, only to be met with a laugh and "girl, you must be new here!"  I was told that I had to buy my own supplies: stapler, sharpener, pencils for me and for the kids, rulers, books, prizes for the PBIS box ("make them something the kids want! Spend some money on it"), globes, maps, and overhead transparencies.
"Fine," I thought. This is how it is.
I worked at that school for a total of four years and in those four years I must have spent on average around $2000 each year to provide the basic necessities that I needed to do my job. Additionally, we were on a paper restriction for copies and our stuff badge number tallied how many copies you made in any time you went over, you had to purchase your own paper from either at the office or from somewhere else. Even though I have only been working in schools 9 years, we were still without any type of electronics and that included a projector, a smartboard, and any use of student laptops. If I had to show a movie, they had a sit around my desk while I played it from my small laptop that had one broken speaker. Shoutout to those kids (Cheyenne McNabb! Remember??) 
We also did not have textbooks because we did not have a curriculum and it was up to the teachers to create the curriculum. At one point, when I explained that I did not have any way to give my students leveled reading material, I was told to check out the website Reading A-Z and make copies of the books on there. I was also told that while our reading specialist had a copy of the login code and a subscription, she would not share it with us because we were fifth grade teachers and she only gave access to kindergarten through third grade so I would have to be purchasing my own subscription. If you do not know about educational subscriptions to websites that are beneficial then you might be astounded to know that it is roughly $90 per month or a grand total of $1200 on discount.
Thankfully, I knew someone who did have a subscription to this and I used their login to print out the books that my kids needed... Only to find out that when I made the necessary copies, I went over my paper quota for the quarter and I had to spend money on every single copy I made thereafter.
In those four years, I graduated with my MA in Special Education. I assumed that this would come with some kind of compensation but I was told that it would not. In fact, they said, since I had received such a high raise in the last 4 years (I went from $33k to $34.5k), I was now costing the district too much money because they had just sold our school to Florence unified district and Florence could not sustain such a high salary. I was being brought back to $33k if I signed on again with what would be 5 years experience and a BA and MA.
I was also told that for our performance pay, we had a pool of money that would be allotted and divvied up based on the performance of our students and our observations. Fine. This is how it usually is. 
But this is where it gets infuriating: during my first year of teaching, I had 4 observations and during my second year I had 3 observations. The first observations went as well as you could expect a first year teacher to perform - mediocre, but not "bad". I got a mediocre pay out of $1200 without taxes.
During my second year of teaching, I had a stellar class and a stellar observation and my scores for my students' test in math far exceeded those of not only my school but of the schools in my district and my observation scores were initially rated a majority  of 5s on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the highest. I was elated until I was told that despite how well I had done, that I would not be receiving this score on paper and I would not be receiving the compensation that went along with it because, and I quote, "We have teachers who have been here for decades and they don't score 5s. We can't give a new teacher 5s. It doesn't work that way."
Because this was my very first career I thought all of this was normal. I thought having a working lunch every Friday with my administration and my team to go over data was normal. I thought being asked to stay for two hours beyond my contract every Tuesday to attend a professional development was normal. I thought that receiving only ONE 45 minute prep period a WEEK was normal. I thought paying for all of my supplies were normal and that my salary was normal. I thought that when my district told me that I had to come to work one Saturday every month for a school function and I had to attend at least 3 Sundays a month when our school had open campus if I didn't get my work done at home, it was normal. 
Fast forward to the school I am currently working in. I don't have to buy my own supplies. I am protected in my planning as much as I can be. I have lunches free. I make $15k more than I did... I credit PECTA for most of this.
But here's the thing. My $14k increase does NOT offset our cost of living. It does NOT take into consideration a multitude of factors. Quite frankly, the low side of $47k isn't enough money for the work that we do.
Nothing at San Tan Heights was "normal," but nothing in teaching is "normal" either and if anyone thinks this exploitative cash grab is NORMAL and "fun" come talk to me. My job is to educate you and  I would love to do so.
What you are seeing here is exactly what I would have done in my first year of teaching because I would've thought that I had to do this for my students and that this was the only way to get the basic necessities for their learning. You are seeing men and women scrambling on the goddamn floor grabbing at fucking cash and fighting with one another solely to provide for their students. This is degrading and sickening. You're seeing people who desperately love and care for the kids that they teach on their knees degrading themselves simply to provide the basic fucking educational necessities. 



Нужно быть наивным или умолишенным шоб хотеть быть учителем в этой стране.
Москаляку на гілляку!!


В СССР учитель тоже была спорная профессия. Хотя уравниловка делала их зарплату "не меньше", плюс почёт, частные уроки, просто взятки... Толковые учителя хорошо зарабатывали. Как сейчас в Украине - России не знаю. Думаю, что плохо.

Малолетний Дебил

Backinblack - Дек. 15, 2021, 03:58 amНужно быть наивным или умолишенным шоб хотеть быть учителем в этой стране.
Я работал с чуваком, у него все дети стали учителями.
Сын в Японии учит ипонцев инглиш ленгвиджу.
Дочь работает училой младшых классов в нью джерси. И таки да, в 20-ом году покупала бумагу для принтера за свои деньги.

Чувак любит своих детей но дисаппоинтмент спрятать ниможыт. Так и сказал - надеюсь она замуж выйдет, одной без нас ей не прожить.

А паскоку он кормит обоих детей то ему приходица откладывать ретаярмент на позже и позже. Он ругался что хотел ретаярнуть в шестьдесят. Куда там. Дай бох в семдесят ретаярнуть.

Так грит и буду до гробу с++ код дебагать и искать мемори лики.


Водя, не витай на ночь совецких либеральных газет.

Низкая зп учителей это фраза из 100 лет назад. Сегодня, если учитывать все ништяки кот они имеют (от 8 мес. раб года и до неувольняемости, пенсий и т.п.) то эти 60-70к в год становяца эквивалентом 100-150к в год для простых смертных.

И самое главное что от них особо и не требуют результата. Профсоюз постарался. Прикинь, ты ходишь на работу с 8 до 2, 8 мес в году, получаешь как другие за 12 мес 8-5, и еще не важно что ты там наработал т.к. уволить тебя практически не могут, ну разве что зарезал кого то и стоишь с кровавым ножом над трупом. И то профсоюз наймет крутых адвокатов отмазать.
"I spent most of my dough on booze, broads and boats and the rest I wasted." Elmore Leonard


Роль школы скатилась до фунции камеры хранения мешающися под ногами детей. Возможно в частных школах ситуация лучше, этого я не знаю. С самого начала вписал своих на домашнее обучение. Естественно среднестатистический омерекос тупо вынужден сдавать детей в госсклад ибо кроме как поднимать целину в четыре руки, вариантов нет.
Мне искренне жаль этих учителей. Блять, бумагу покупать за свои гроши?? Я уже забыл когда в последний раз покупал бумагу, скотч, и прочие резинки для денег. Лец калл ит э бенефиц пекеджъ.
Москаляку на гілляку!!


Teacher salaries increase over time as teachers learn their crafts and become master teachers. There is also variation in pay levels based on where in a state teachers live, how much funding a particular school district receives, and more. The five highest-paying states based on the top salary of teachers are:

District of Columbia ($116,408)
California ($98,616)
Washington ($95,006)
New York ($94,541)
Connecticut ($94,294)

Some states pay teachers significantly more money than others do. The New York teacher salary, for instance, is much higher on average than the teacher salary in Missouri. The five highest-paying states based on starting salary are:

District of Columbia ($56,313)
New Jersey ($53,177)
California ($49,303)
Washington ($49,113)
Alaska ($48,469)


при всех выходных, празьничных, каникулярных и прочих днях отдыха - не так и плохо


Профсоюзы шмофсоюзы... От штата наверное зависит. Подруга соратници снимала у нас комнату пару лет. Учительница начальных классов. Регулярно приносила кучу работы домой и сидела до поздна - либо готовясь к урокам, либо проверяя контрольные. Да нафег надо такое счастье! 60-70к - это топ с Мастер Дегри, да ещё и от местности зависит. А какой нить учитель начальных классов будет сосать сами знаете чё на свои 35к. Единственный выход - лезть в администрацию где милые долбодятлики не ебут ежедневно мОзги. Хотя мож некоторым нравится.
Москаляку на гілляку!!

Малолетний Дебил

Педагог это тиран детей, если переводить с языка оригинала.
Иначе говоря в тичера идут те кому кайф тиранить чайлдов.


Армянское радио спрашивает:
-Какая разница между педагогом и педофилом?
Одесское радио отвечает:
-Педофил таки любит детей.
"I spent most of my dough on booze, broads and boats and the rest I wasted." Elmore Leonard


Луиджи - Дек. 15, 2021, 08:28 amпри всех выходных, празьничных, каникулярных и прочих днях отдыха - не так и плохо
Так а я ж об чем?
"I spent most of my dough on booze, broads and boats and the rest I wasted." Elmore Leonard


хочется верить, что в педагоги до сих пор многие идут по призванию.


MV - Дек. 15, 2021, 08:59 amлюбит детей.
Один за знаменитый учитель сказал "надо любить детей, чтобы чему-то научить - ставить им двойки , уметь объяснить и т.д".

я у моих детей работаю репетитором по математике - каждый день по 1 часу. Нелегко. Но иначе никак. Либо платить школьному репетитору $60/ч.

Суть поста: учителя которые детей не любят, а таких большинство, ничему их не учат, отсиживают свои задницы за зарплату.


Не во всех штатах у учителей есть профсоюзы. Там где нет, им совсем кисло.

С другой стороны, профсоюзы делают абьюз детей - учителей-козлих, которые не учат, но мучают детей невозможно уволить.