Российские новости

Автор Lor, Май 29, 2020, 04:19 pm


xxdevil - Янв. 20, 2024, 09:27 amНе, ну таджики еще. Мужички работящие и неприхотливые. Не бухают как черти. А главное не сдохнут в Украине, потому что с мозгами порядок.

Даешь каждой расейской самке по таджикскому дворнику!
Будусчяя руська нацiя станет нимнога ускоглазой и желтоватой, будт кушать плов с бараниной, баклаву  и рахат-лукум, ниссать в подьесдах, ниссать патом в стакан мачу, шоп сдать анализ за товарисча, шоп аткасил от армии...

А счи лаптем будет самое папулярное блюдо в московской губернии, .хде сохраниццо чистая арийская нация.


Петроград спишь?

Гасись кацапчик, активировано безжалостное расеянское ПэВэО  :good:


Байден, сука, там же люді мьорзнут! Штошь ти дєлаєш?!


Ленин и теперь живее всех живых.

Russians gather to mark 100 years since Lenin's death
Story by AFP

ЦитатаDozens of Russian communists gathered in Red Square on Sunday to mark the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin's death, in one of the few official events commemorating the Soviet founder.

The centenary of the Bolshevik revolutionary's passing has largely been ignored by ordinary Russians, but Lenin continues to be venerated by those nostalgic for the USSR.

"I came here to honour the memory of Vladimir Lenin -- our leader, the founder of the Soviet state," said 47-year-old Yulia, one of many admirers who gathered outside Lenin's mausoleum in freezing temperatures.

"His ideas lit the way for many revolutionaries, fighters for the bright future of the people, for justice," she told AFP.

Attendees could be seen carrying portraits of the late leader and waving flags of the Russian Communist Party -- one of the few political parties allowed to take part in elections.

"He played a role not only for Russia, but for the whole world," Nikolai, 73, told AFP.

"After the revolution, the whole world bourgeoisie was afraid that their workers would also rise up and start a revolution," he said.
"Our country is on the brink," said 78-year-old pensioner Valentina Alexandrovna.

"It is basically turning into a colony. And only the Leninist doctrine can equip us to fight against this phenomenon," she said.

When Lenin died on 21 January 1924, Soviet authorities quickly embalmed his body and built a mausoleum -- a red and black polished stone temple at the heart of Red Square.

Huge crowds of people queued to pay their respects to the leader in Soviet times, but today, his embalmed body has largely become a tourist attraction.

President Vladimir Putin has publicly shunned Lenin for his supposed role in dividing the Russian Empire into nation states like Ukraine, and did not comment on the centenary.



сцуко, я ридаю
пепел вождя стучит в моё сердце
представить себе, что в современной роиссе есть люди, искренне переживающие кончину сифилитика 100 лет назад - это нипастежымо

 на другие темы дня из Роисси: "но для него избрана мера пресечения в виде запрета определенных действий, в частности, на пользование интернетом"
это про какого-то граждана, который обвиняется в неуплате всей суммы налогов
я не понимаю, телефон/компьютер отберут или как это происходит? а если он в библиОтеку пойдёт публичную и там воспользуется?


Луиджи - Янв. 22, 2024, 08:03 amа если он в библиОтеку пойдёт публичную и там воспользуется?
Вот это точно из фантастики. В рюмочную он пойдет. И там точно компьютеры не стоят.


Одевают Надежду
Надевают одежду
Правила грамматики
Надеждин, спаси наших солдатиков...

ЦитатаMOSCOW - Thousands of Russians have been lining up in the capital and across the country to leave signatures in support of presidential hopeful Boris Nadezhdin, who is campaigning for peace with Ukraine.

Nadezhdin, 60, who is running from the Civic Initiative party, must gather the signatures of 100,000 supporters by the end of January to be allowed to continue his campaign for the March 17 election.

His campaign manifesto states that Nadezhdin is running as "a principled opponent of the policies of the current president." It adds that he is against "unjustified use of military force against other countries" and for "cooperation with Western countries."

In Moscow, dozens of people gathered on Monday afternoon to sign papers for Nadezhdin at his headquarters, according to a Moscow Times reporter.

One supporter who was standing in the line said that he decided to leave his signature mainly because "the candidate promised to end the war if elected."

"This is already a very strong reason to support him," said the supporter, who asked for anonymity given the risk of persecution for anti-war statements. "State propaganda claims that everyone is happy with the current state of affairs in Russia, but look how many people are here."

Alexander from northwestern Russia's Vologda region said he came to support Nadezhdin because he was tired of the same political landscape in Russia for many years.

"I'm 24 years old and I haven't seen anyone but [President Vladimir] Putin or [former President Dmitry] Medvedev," Alexander told The Moscow Times from his spot in the line. "I want changes."

Another supporter from the Moscow region said that she was "very happy" to see lines of "like-minded people."
As of Monday, Nadezhdin has gathered more than 80,000 signatures. Lines of his supporters were seen in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Ufa. Nadezhdin also opened headquarters in hubs for Russian wartime emigres like Armenia, Georgia, Serbia and Israel.

Several Russian opposition figures, including allies of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, politician Maxim Katz and others announced their support for Nadezhdin.

Yekaterina Duntsova, a former city councilor from the Tver region who announced her bid for the presidency but was barred for alleged document errors last month, also urged her supporters to leave signatures for the politician.

Under Russian election law, the signatures for all candidates must be reviewed by Russia's Central Election Commission (CEC).

Putin, who had to collect 300,000 signatures as a "self-nominated" candidate, announced on Monday that he delivered the papers to the commission for review.

Candidates who do not need to collect signatures because they are running from political parties represented in the national parliament -- like Leonid Slutsky of the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, Vladislav Davankov of the New People Party and Nikolai Kharitonov of the Communist Party -- have already been approved by the country's election watchdog.

Despite the long lines for Nadezhdin, some of his supporters expressed fear that he could still be excluded from the presidential election even after collecting enough signatures.

"To be honest, I don't believe that we will see our candidate on the ballots," one Nadezhdin supporter in Moscow told The Moscow Times when asked if she hoped that the CEC would accept the signatures for Nadezhdin.

"Although I very much hope for that, and I'm not surprised to see so many supporters," she added.


о где подлинная демократия, одних кондедатов сколько!


Skylight - Янв. 22, 2024, 07:49 amЛенин и теперь живее всех живых.

Russians gather to mark 100 years since Lenin's death
Story by AFP

это если кто то хотел узнать как выглядят отморозки


взрыв на нефтяном терминале в Питере выглядит очень симпатично в американских новостях


ciao1 - Янв. 22, 2024, 03:57 pmвзрыв на нефтяном терминале в Питере выглядит очень симпатично в американских новостях
На фоксе или снн?


а ещё одно видео попалось американское

как всу приделывает противотанковые снаряды к дронам и на танчики

танчики как китайский фейерверк после этого


Lor - Янв. 22, 2024, 05:34 pmНа фоксе или снн?
и генерал ещё какой то там был
вот, говорит, все это в финском заливе уже
американским обывателя вряд-ли понятно где Украина а где финский залив
но тем не менее


ciao1 - Янв. 22, 2024, 03:57 pmвзрыв на нефтяном терминале в Питере выглядит очень симпатично в американских новостях
Да хрен с ним, с терминалом

Не дай бог мавзолей спалят

Вот тогда конец света


ciao1 - Янв. 22, 2024, 07:04 pmамериканским обывателя вряд-ли понятно где Украина а где финский залив
Я думаю, они тыкнут в Африку, если у них спросить.